Original Work License
The original work on this website, including text and images is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 License.

Derivative Work
Some of the work on this website is derivative of other works in the public domain. Further use of the map, including images or repurposing, should include a reference to the underlying sources. The following licenses should be referenced, based on the portion of the map used. Details can be found on the methodology page.
Country | Owner | Source | License Tag |
— | OSM | OpenStreetMap | {{Cc-by-sa-2.0}} |
— | OTM | OpenTopoMap | {{Cc-by-sa-3.0}} |
— | Thunderforest | TF Outdoors | {{Cc-by-sa-2.0}} |
CH | CH BAFU | EZGG.sqlite | {{PD-Switzerland-official}} |
CZ | DIBAVOD | A11_Povodi_vodomer_stanic.shp | {{PD-CzechGov}} |
DE(BW) | LUBW | Basiseinzugsgebiet (AWGN)_polygon.shp | {{PD-GermanGov}} |
DE(BY) | LfU Bayern | EZG25_01_2016_by.shp | {{PD-GermanGov}} |
DE(BB) | LfU Brandenburg | ezg25.shp | {{PD-GermanGov}} |
DE(MV) | LUNG M-V | dl_dlm25w_ezg_ws_no.shp | {{PD-GermanGov}} |
DE(SN) | Sachsen LfULG | HAUPT_EZG_ARBEITSSTAND.shp | {{PD-GermanGov}} |
DE(SH) | LLUR (LFU) SH | Einzugsgebiete_GFV.shp | {{PD-GermanGov}} |
DK | KEFM | vp2_2016nbel12_deloplande.shp | {{DGA map}} |
ES(Ebro) | CHE | subche.shp | {{PD-SpanishGov}} |
ES(Jucar) | CHJ | Demarcacion hidrografica.shp | {{PD-SpanishGov}} |
ES(Quadalquivir) | ideCHG | Ambito_Cuencas.shp | {{PD-SpanishGov}} |
ES(Segura) | CHS | CHS_DemarcacionPlan2009_15.shp | {{PD-SpanishGov}} |
FI | SYKE | Paajako.shp | {{PD-FinlandGov}} |
FR | Sandre | sa:ZoneHydro | {{Gouvernement.fr}} |
GR | MECC | hydroscope.gr | {{PD-GreekGov}} |
IT | ISPRA | UoM_RBD_2016.shp | {{PD-Italy-EdictGov}} |
NO | NVE | Nedborfelt_NedborfeltTilHav.shp | {{NLOD}} |
PL | Otwarte Dane | Wektorowe warstwy tematyczne aPGW | {{PD-Polishsymbol}} |
SE | SMHI | SW_HARO_2016_1.shp | {{PD-Sweden-URL9}} |
SI | Agencija Rs Za Okolje | HIDGRFOBMPolygon.shp | {{PD-Slovenia-exempt}} |
UK(ENG) | Environment Agency | WFD Surface Water Management Catchments (Cycle 2) | {{OGL3}} |
UK(SCT) | SEPA | SEPA_Catchments.shp | {{OGL3}} |
US | USGS | hydrosheds | {{PD-USGov}} |
US | CEO Water Mandate | hydrosheds | {{PD-USGov}} |
About Divides
A Continental Divide is formed by drainage basins for individual rivers.
The map of the Continental Divide is assembled from publicly available datasources for water management and cartography.