About continental-divide.eu
Continental-divide.eu is not developed by cartography or water management professionals, just a labor of love to see if anyone else in the world gets excited by the same things we get excited by. Everything you find on this website is offered for free, but done in spare time, so please be patient. You can find out about the usage of the materials on this website by visiting the license page.
About Menasheh Fogel

I started this project out of curiosity, which led to hours of work learning mapping technology and creating the detailed map you find on this website. I used this map on my phone for a little more than a year, whenever we hiked throughout Europe. After enough requests from fellow hikers, as well as friends and family, I decided to make continental-divide.eu freely available, so that others can experience it as well.
I am an IT professional living and working in Berlin (Profiles: komoot, LinkedIn, MuseScore, YouTube). In my free time, I like hobbies which are a bit obscure. I particularly like creating something from nothing, where not too many others have taken the time to explore or put together in an understandable way. My creative writing teacher once described me as having a superpower called a multipotentialite. Said another way, I’m moderately good at many things. This website is my first project which I made publically available. In my second project, jewishbanjo.org, I’m looking to raise visibility about playing clawhammer banjo in a Jewish context.
Happy exploring!
Please leave your comments and suggestions on our Discussion Board. If you would like a direct contact, you can also send an email to info<at>continental-divide.eu.
About Divides
A Continental Divide is formed by drainage basins for individual rivers.
The map of the Continental Divide is assembled from publicly available datasources for water management and cartography.