Continental divides are formed through drainage basins for individual rivers. A drainage basin begins at the source and stretches to the mouth of that river until it flows into another larger river. The source of the river is formed at a high point, from which gravity pulls all the water downward. Different basins come together to form a network of waterways ultimately leading to an ocean.

What we call a continental divide is the main ridgeline that separates one network of waterways leading to one major body of water from another network of waterways leading to another major body of water.

For Continental Divide chasers, standing on a ridgeline that separates two major bodies of water is a satisfying thrill, knowing that a raindrop at that point could have two entirely different journeys ahead.  

The Many Continental Divides of Europe

Europe is surrounded by many seas: The Baltic, North, Mediterrean, Black, Adriatic, Aegean and Caspian Seas, as well as two oceans: Arctic and Atlantic.

Therefore in Europe, there are actually many continental divides that separate the oceans and seas surrounding the continent. As a matter of interpretation, this project considers the ‘Main’ Continental Divide as the ridgeline that divides the continent from the northeast bodies of water (Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic and Arctic) from the southwest bodies of water (Mediterrean, Adriatic, Aegean, Black Sea and Caspian Sea).  

This project documents the path of the following continental divides in Europe. Note that the most detailed and accurate portions of the map are in western Europe, with the divides in eastern Europe shown with less precision.

Mapped Divides

The following Continental Divides are mapped in this project. The length of each divide in km is noted

Continental Divide Triple Points

As satisfying as it can be to stand on a point that separates two major bodies of water, a single point that separates three bodies of water is even more thrilling. These points are called triple points. As Europe is surrounded by various seas and oceans, triple points are actually fairly abundant throughout the continent.

This project documents the following triple points throughout Europe:

European Continental Divide Map
Overview map of the European Continental Divide
A drainage basin forms a continental divide. Here the Spree River drainage basin is depicted.
Drainage basin of the Spree River from source to mouth
Continental Divide Triple point on the Baltic/North/Black Sea Divide
Map of the triple point Baltic/North/Black Seas

About Divides

A Continental Divide is formed by drainage basins for individual rivers.

About Divides


The map of the Continental Divide is assembled from publicly available datasources for water management and cartography.


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