European Continental Divide

The Croda dei Toni on the Black Sea/Adriatic European Continental Divide
The Croda dei Toni on the Black Sea/Adriatic Divide


This website is for individuals passionate and curious about the world they live in. The intent of this project is to map the European Continental Divide at a detailed, topographical level, especially for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts who would like to know where the continental divide is located throughout Europe. <read more>

Hohen Ifen
Hohen Ifen on the North Sea/Black Sea Continental Divide

About Divides

A continental divide is formed from drainage basins for individual rivers. A basin begins at the source and stretches to the mouth of the river until it flows into another larger river. The source of the river is formed at a high point, from which gravity pulls all the water downward. Different basins come together to form a network of waterways ultimately leading to an ocean. <read more>

Part of the future European Continental Divide Trail (ECDT) at Bocchetta di Aurona Pass between Italy and Switzerland
Future ECDT at Bocchetta di Aurona

European Continental Divide Trail

To have a European Continental Divide Trail (ECDT) would be a dream. The ECDT would be a long-distance hike connecting almost every country in Europe, spark geographic awareness and drive outdoor enthusiasm. Using existing trails is a great way to increase involvement and maximize the use of local knowledge. <read more>

Let not the waves of the sea separate us now, and the years you have spent in our midst become a memory.

– Kahlil Gibran

You are welcome to use all the resources on this site, free of charge.

The project is private and all volunteer. There are no ads and no commerce: just good clean fun for people who get excited by something somewhat obscure.

About Divides

A Continental Divide is formed by drainage basins for individual rivers.

About Divides


The map of the Continental Divide is assembled from publicly available datasources for water management and cartography.


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